I know your daily routine all too well. Wake up late, rush to get ready. Then you have to get the kids ready! Put them in some clean clothes, brush their teethe and hair and off to work. I despise mornings! I really don’t enjoy planning my breakfast and lunch the day before so in an effort to make my mornings a bit less hectic, I’ve found some fast and easy protein shake recipes that work for me!
Last year I decided to replace 1 meal (breakfast usually) with a protein shake. I was bored with my morning breakfast at work routine. I used to eat a yogurt with granola…but by 11am I was hungry. Like really hungry. Then I started eating boiled eggs, but became bored with it soon. I decided it was time to make my breakfast routine healthier and yummy. So I began drinking protein shakes.
I used to think that protein shakes were for bodybuilders or intense athletes. Then I found an article that talked about the benefits of adding protein to your morning smoothies. I wish I could find it now to reference it for you all, but it talked about the benefits of protein powder for women in their shakes. It encourages fat loss, improves metabolic activity, and delivers essential nutrients to your body!
Fat Loss
Using a protein shake as an occasional meal replacement may help you lose more weight and fat than you would by following a reduced-calorie diet. Unless you have approval from your doctor, do not replace more than one meal daily with a protein shake. Your body needs more then just a shake! It is a great way to get your metabolism fired up of the day with a healthy blend of vitamins and proteins. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Why not start with a healthy protein shake?
Nutritional Benefits
Shakes that are made from fresh fruits, vegetables and natural proteins deliver essential vitamins and minerals without sacrificing taste. Protein is an essential nutrient, meaning it performs tasks that are necessary for your body’s daily functioning. Proteins build and repair skin, blood, bones, muscles and cartilage. Amino acids from protein are used to make immune cells and neurotransmitters. Amino acids are also used for muscle repair. Protein also balances blood sugar, which in turn can aid in healthy weight loss.
Easy Recipes
These might seem silly because they are SO easy, but I’m all about simple!
Banana Vanilla Smoothie
- 1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder,
- 1 Banana
- 6oz water
- 1 cup ice
Blended up and done! It’s actually very filling and really yummy!
You can replace the fruit with any fruit of choice! I like the flavor of the vanilla and the banana together.
Blueberry Yogurt Smoothie
- 1 cup Blueberries (frozen or fresh)
- 8oz plain yogurt
- 1 scoop Vanilla Protein
- 8oz water
- 1 cup crushed ice
- Blend together! 🙂
It’s important to find a protein that your body needs. I’ve never liked the taste of whey protein and I don’t love it for my body. It’s not naturally found in my diet.
Personally I like plant based proteins, because it’s naturally what I should be eating in my diet. I use an Organic and GMO free brand called ALOHA! They’re super affordable and their ingredients are with integrity! You can pronounce them all! Aloha offers a Free Month of Protein for anyone that is interested in trying them out. (That’s how I got started!) Head here to get a Free Trial of the Aloha Superfood Smoothie Kit! 🙂
If you’re using another protein brand that you’re loving leave the name in the comments. I’m all about sharing what’s working for you…since someone else may be looking for it! ENJOY!